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Monday, June 20, 2011

Who Restrains the Devil?

Dear readers, in my book I have written about a great war which is taking place between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil.  The prize is the soul of a man.  God, through Jesus Christ, wants to save souls and adopt them into His family as His sons and daughters.  The Devil wants to prevent salvation by capturing the souls of men and placing them into bondage while his demons and followers want to make them into victims of torment, abuse, and death.
Man’s fallen nature gives the Devil a clear advantage in this warfare. The question is: Why is our world not a hell world, full of nothing by sorrow and suffering?  Why are we not ruled by demons and the works of the devil? Find out what is keeping this old world of ours from deteriorating into hell. I tell you in my book:

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Deliverance–Honoring God

Post Summary:
Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, a born again Spirit filled Christian has the authority and power to send any spirit, including demons, into the Hell world to which they belong.  There is a tendency to use this power and authority without mercy or compassion for the spirit involved, but especially for a demon who may have caused a human to have years of suffering and torment.  But is this the attitude which is appropriate for a Christian using the power and authority in the Name of Jesus?  Does this attitude honor God?  You can find out by reading my book:

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.