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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Nature of Ghosts–Just follow the Evidence

Post Summary:
I have attempted to give a Bible based and Christian explanation for paranormal phenomenon, specifically the essential nature of spirits and ghosts.  Many people are seeking information about ghosts and spirits by technologically documenting  the paranormal , or by direct contact with spirits through mediums and psychics. Yet there is an obvious factor which is being neglected as people generate theories about ghosts and spirits. What is this most important factor? What does it tell us about ghosts? Find out in my book.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Impact of Spirit Sensitivity on the Church

Post Summary:

The basic idea is that sensitivity to the spirit universe is distributed on a normal bell shaped curve. The hypersensitive represents one end of the curve and consists of people who are extremely sensitive to the spirit world. The other end of the curve consists of people who have very little if any sensitivity to the spirit world.  So the hypersensitive has frequent and often intense paranormal experiences while the hyposensitive may not be able to sense the condition of his own spirit and certainly not that of a spirit outside of himself.  Between these two extremes are the folk with a range of sensitivity which we may call average sensitivity. That is, they may have an occasional spiritual experience but such events are rare though often personally significant. How does this range of sensitivity to the spirit universe impact the Christian Church? Find out in my book.
A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.


Monday, January 2, 2012

The Problem of Pareidolia (Matrixing)

Post Summary:
Pareidolia (parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a very common and very significant problem in paranormal research and especially when using photographic evidence to support the idea that a spirit was captured by the camera. Unfortunately, pareidolia is not limited to visual phenomenon but also has a significant impact in auditory evidence and may play just as an important role in the misidentification of sounds in EVP recordings which supposedly represents vocal contact with a  “ghost”.  Given that it has such a big impact on evidence and that it is so common, pareidolia should be understood and compensated for in any serious study of the paranormal.  I discuss pareidolia and its impact in the paranormal in my book. Check it out!

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.