Energy or Spirit?
Introduction:Does the existence of a heavy energy field automatically mean that spirits are present? This question is the first and primary concern of a deliverance ministry. The second question is like the first, if the energy field is present what do we do about it, especially if it contains spirit?
Sometimes it becomes very difficult to discern whether or not you are dealing with repetitive negative energy or an actual spirit embedded in that energy. This is especially true when the energy field is extremely charged with potent emotions due to a traumatic experience that took place in the environment. When entering into such an area sometimes one can be overwhelmed by the feelings or emotions which seem to be derived from an entity or spirit. So, it becomes difficult to determine what the source of the experience is, and exactly how to identify it. As a result, you can have some members of your deliverance team swearing that you are dealing with a spirit, while others simply say it is residual energy from the past traumatic event. The question is, how do you proceed?
A Key Factor:
The key factor to determine whether or not you are dealing with a spirit or a simple energy field is intelligence. If the source acts intelligently, that is, is able to answer questions and give current information, then you are more likely dealing with a spirit. If you are dealing with one spirit then you are probably also dealing with other spirits in the background. They may choose not to show intelligence or to communicate. You may, therefore, approach deliverance differently with spirits involved than with simple energy. Because there may be more than one spirit involved, you need to determine exactly how many and what their basic motivation is and then deliver based on that information. This is about the only time that a Christian should engage in communication with any spirit but the Holy Spirit. That is, such communication should have the purpose of determining the method of deliverance so that the deliverance can be complete and comprehensive. .
On the other hand, if there is no intelligence involved, than you are simply dealing with an energy field that is having an impact on the observers. Now do not be mistaken, such energy fields can have profound physical, psychological, and spiritual consequences if an individual opens up to the dynamics and content of such fields. In other words, simply because an energy field does not contain a spirit does not mean that is harmless or safe
Methods of Deliverance:
If you simply dealing with an energy field, it will do absolutely no good to rebuke a spirit. Rather, an energy field needs to be converted from something negative into something that is positive. This can be done by through the generation of positive energy in the environment that contains the negative energy. Christians can transform negative energy into a positive energy through praise and worship, prayer, and Scripture reading. The deliverance team dealing with a negative energy field should not stop their efforts until there is a clear-cut sense that the negative energy has been transformed by their activity. Note, the energy will not disappear, but rather it will appear in a new form that is permanent and of the opposite nature of the original energy.
Dealing with a spirit in an energy field is a different form of deliverance. At some point, the spirit must be identified and rebuked away from the energy field from which it is inhabiting. In other words, it must be cast out, preferably by name, and any other spirits associated with it must also be cast away. This can take some time, and repeated attempts, but there always must be the understanding on the part of the deliverance team that the power in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit will always have the victory. Note, a spirit, no matter how intense or powerful that it seems cannot disobey a command given in the Name of Jesus by believers in Jesus who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Once a spirit or spirits have been eliminated from the energy field, then the energy field itself can be transformed through the methods I have already mentioned.
The existence of energy can be determined through the use of electromagnetic measuring devices, but determining the nature that energy must take place through the activity of a hypersensitive or a group of individuals Baptized in the Holy Spirit endowed with the gift of discernment. Care should be taken to determine whether intelligence exists in that field, and if so, than steps must be taken to remove the spirits from the energy field , and then transform the field into a positive from a negative. Therefore, the gift of discernment which is part of the nine spiritual gifts mentioned in First Corinthians chapter 12, should be active during any deliverance session by Christians. There should also be team agreement as to what is actually taking place in the energy field so that the deliverance can be complete, whether it is due to the elimination of spirits or the transformation of energy.