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Monday, September 12, 2011

I am dying - Part 3, The Adventure Begins

I dedicate this post to my beloved wife, Roxie who is fighting her third battle with ovarian cancer. Of all the people I know, she has taught me what it means to face death and overcome it with determination, courage, and faith. No matter the outcome, she knows the Lord and so she knows where she is going.  She draws strength from the Lord and so defeats fear. She loves the Lord and so is able to love her family, and her church despite her physical battle. She trusts the Lord and so is able to find peace in turmoil. May we all walk in the victory that she walks in one day at a time.

Post Summary
In my book, I spoke about dying and death in general terms, and generated two basic steps which you must take to find victory.  But what is the final step you need to take to overcome death. I gave some answers to the kinds of questions you may have asked yourself  about death and to which you desire answers. These answers are for Christians, if you have not claimed Christ as your partner in death and life, then I have little to say to you that would encourage you or help you prepare for the spirit world in which you will exist. What are these answers - the answers that Christ gave us? Check out my book to find out.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

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