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Become A Christian

A Christian has a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You can become a Christian by saying this simple prayer. Before you say this prayer, please read it and determine if you agree with it in your mind and emotions (your heart). This is the first step in faith that you need to take to be saved from your sin and from hell.

I know that I have rejected God's will in my life and will spend eternity separated from Him. Therefore, I accept You, Jesus, as the only way to God. Because you love me, You died in my place and came back to life to remove my separation from God. I reject my former way of life and choose to follow You, Jesus, for the rest of my life.

After you said and agreed with this prayer, you are now a born again Christian with all the promises of God as your inheritance. Here are some other steps you need to take:
  • Find other Christians and ask to be Baptized in Water.
  • Get a Bible and read it starting in the New Testament.
  • As soon as possible, get the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • Join up with other Christians to do the work that Jesus has set before you.
If you have said this prayer, I would like to know about it.  Just send me an e-mail at this address