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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Spirit Universe Supplement 2–Tests for Hypersensitivity

Supplemental information concerning the 3 tests used to determine hypersensitivity in the book.

In my book, I discuss the level and degree of hypersensitivity to the spirit universe as it is distributed among the general population.  Since hypersensitivity does have a huge impact on a person’s personality and lifestyle, I included three tests for hypersensitivity that people can use to determine the level of their personal sensitivity to the spirit universe.  People who have read the book have asked for more information about each test. I will elaborate about the three tests in this post.


Test 1 is a self-report scale. It uses 30 symptoms of hypersensitivity and evaluates their frequency on a scale of 1 to 5.  For example here is the last of the 30 questions asked in the test:
30. I react physically to the presence of energy.
  1. Never
  2. Very Seldom
  3. Sometimes
  4. Often
  5. All the time
At the end of the test, all the scores are added and then compared to the following distribution:

Score Chart Less than 60 = Hyposensitive 60 – 89 = Hyposensitive leaning toward normal 90 – 119 = Normal leaning toward hypersensitive. 120 + = Hypersensitive Appraise the degree of your sensitivity by these target values. For example, a score of 60 or less would place you solidly in the hyposensitive category. A score nearer to 90 would put you in the normal sensitivity category. A score that is lower than 120 but greater than 90 would put you in the normal category, but the higher the score the nearer you get to the hypersensitive category. A score of 120 and over is hypersensitive.

A number of people have misinterpreted the meaning of this test, so please keep the following facts in mind:
  1. The test measures the degree of hypersensitivity so in this case, normal means you have a normal degree of hypersensitivity not that you do not have any hypersensitivity. A score of 90 or above means you have an above-normal level of hypersensitivity.
  2. This test is self-report and is subject to your bias. As a result, you cannot use your score to determine whether you are hypersensitive or hyposensitive without taking the other 2 tests.
  3. This test is skewed to reveal the people who have significantly above-normal levels of hypersensitivity. A high score in this test may very well mean that you are going to have a difficult time dealing with your experiences.
  4. A score of below 30 means that you have skipped a question and the scale is invalid.


Test 2 is designed to determine the degree that you control so-called “psychic” energy. It not only allows you to determine how energy from the Human Energy Field operates to impact living things, but teaches you a scientific and rational approach to testing such matters. I do have some suggestions concerning this test:
  1. The only concern that I have is that people will not take the test because it will take at least three weeks of effort to determine the results. In addition, it takes a systematic effort to control all the other possible variables that can influence the outcome of the test. Still, a positive outcome will have a significant impact on your understanding of the human energy that all of us generate.
  2. Please understand that this test should be repeated at least twice. A one time outcome has little meaning because it may be caused by random variables out of your control. As a matter of fact, you may have to repeat this test several times before you come to any firm conclusions.


Test 3 is designed to determine how well you can obtain information from the energy field. A successful outcome in this test will go a long way toward explaining some of the strange and upsetting experiences associated with the paranormal in your life.  Here are some suggestions concerning test 3:
  1. Like test 2, you need to duplicate this test at least twice before drawing any firm conclusions.  This test is significantly influenced by such factors as your emotional state during testing or even the emotional state of the friend who is helping you conduct the test.
  2. You should choose the person helping you based on your sense of rapport with that person. If you can not sense a unspoken linkage with your helper, then choose someone else to work with. Usually someone who is close to you is the best choice.
  3. It is very important to conduct this test in a peaceful and un cluttered environment.  Interference from your surroundings can invalidate the test results.
Taken together, these 3 tests can have a very strong impact on how you understand the spirit universe as well as how you interact with it.  It is well worth the while to take the time and spend the energy to get trustworthy results.

  Do You Need Help Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.  Please note that the Discussion Forum is no longer available. No one was using it and it was just attracting spammers.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Spirit Universe Supplement 1–When Demons Resist

(Supplement to Chapter 17 – The Dynamics of Deliverance Ministry)

Why is it that when you are in the midst of a deliverance session, all the evidence points to a demonic influence, you have documented evidence of the paranormal, and when you cast out the demon in the Name of Jesus, the spirit resists your command to leave? Another scene is that it leaves but two weeks later comes back. What is the problem?

In chapter 17 of my book, I discuss the fact that the Authority and Power in the Name of Jesus are absolute in the spirit universe. Because this is so, the demon can’t refuse to do as commanded in the Name of Jesus. Basically, the demon spirit no longer has a choice. Why then do deliverance ministers and Christian counselors run into this problem of resistance?  I will discuss three causes of resistance to deliverance and what needs to be done by the deliverance minister to overcome such resistance.

It is in the nature of Demons to resist God.
Regardless of whether the demon is a fallen angel or a human spirit demonized by its evil actions,  part of its character is to resist and fight against the will and rule of God. This characteristic runs so deep that it aborts any possibility of choice or free will. Given a command in the Name of Jesus, the first instinctive reaction of the demon will be to resist the command. It will resist either through direct aggression or through passive aggression.

When a demonic spirit becomes directly aggressive, it will attack either physically or verbally. It will attempt to fight the deliverance minister by either physical violence or by verbal abuse. Either way, the minister must be prepared for an attack and deal with it by having others subdue the victim physically or by ignoring the verbal attack even if it contains threats to family and friends.

When a demonic spirit reacts by becoming passive aggressive, it will attempt to either distract or misdirect the deliverance minister. Such passive-aggressive resistance to deliverance includes causing its victim to copiously vomit, to make weird and disturbing screams, cries, and moans, or by causing its victim to become extremely hyperactive and to behave like a wild animal. Once again, the deliverance minister must be prepared to deal with such passive-aggressive behaviors by not allowing himself to be either distracted or misdirected by them.

Because of this inherent resistance, the deliverance minister can not simply pray that the demon leave. Instead, the minister must command with determination and perseverance that the demon leave and not return to its victim. Remember that you can not ask it to leave but you must command it with the Authority of the Lord.

Demons need hosts and they will resist leaving them.
Demon spirits use human bodies as houses. When a deliverance minister commands the spirit to leave, he is actually commanding the demon to leave his house. One of the things that a house provides is protection from outside forces. When comfortably housed in a human being, a demon is safer than it is when roaming the darker realms of the spirit universe.

One must remember that the hierarchy of power for a demon is based on evil actions including tormenting other demons of lesser status. When the demon is commanded to leave his house, it has nowhere to go but to roam the dark places in Sheol where it becomes subject to demons more evil than itself. Of course, the demon will resist a command to place itself in greater jeopardy by leaving his house.

The deliverance minister must be very persistent in his command to the demon to leave its victim. Furthermore, because the demon wants a house to abide in, the deliverance minister must be sure to command the demon never to return or try to inhabit a human being again. A very specific command must be given to prevent the demon from inhabiting its next victim. This command essentially binds the demon to stay in Sheol.

Sin on the part of victim fuels resistance.
Demons are attracted by sinful behavior. Very often they feed on the sinful behavior of its victim. As a result, if a human being continues to sin, the demon will continue to inhabit his body. Remember that demons do not necessarily want to become known nor do they want to reveal themselves because they enjoy the rewards of sin . Not only do they enjoy sin, but they will suggest that the victim continued to sin so that the demon has an open door to the victim's body and mind.

Even though the desire to sin is caused by a demonic influence, when a human being chooses to sin, he is also choosing to remain a victim, or better yet, establishes a partnership with the demon spirit. The deliverance minister can command the demon to leave but the demon knows the door will be open as soon as the deliverance session ends. This is why, initially, deliverance may take place but eventually the demon is back in control of its victim or rather its partner. Shortly, the human being is sinning again and begins to suffer the consequences of such sin.

When a human being agrees to a partnership with the demon because of sin, not only is a strong relationship with a demon established, but an invitation is issued to other demons who have similar tastes in sinful behavior. Multiple possession (in the case of a non-Christian) or oppression (in the case of a Christian) is explained by the dynamics of sin as it causes a deterioration in the personality of the human being.

Before deliverance is attempted, a case history should be obtained. If the case history indicates repetitive or compulsive sin, then after deliverance Christian counseling should be made mandatory. In this counseling, the individual undergoing deliverance should be held accountable to the counselor, and issues such as addiction, anger, social isolation, and religious beliefs should be examined in depth.

There is a warning here for the deliverance ministry! Delivering a person with habitual sin is as good as condemning a person to a worst case of demonic possession or oppression. The initial deliverance session is not enough to effectively help such a person. If you have time to deliver them then you have time to follow up in order that they stay free of sin and its resulting demonic control.

The Book: Pastor Jochem has written a book entitled: “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View”. His book is available in the Amazon Bookstore . His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or on any device that can run the Kindle reader application. This includes any Android phone, IPhone, I Pad, and the home computer either PC or Mac. To order the book, click Here

What Others Are Saying About the Book: By Laurie H. I have only read the sample provided here so far, but it has been enlightening to finally read something that is written from both a clinical and Biblical perspective. Just recently I have been toying with the idea of the "paranormal" (scary stuff like ghosts and things)and maybe, just maybe there might be something to it. I have learned that the things I have been scared of in the past is due to my ignorance and so I decided to do some research. This book is right on time for that because it gets to the very heart of the matter.

 By Lonnie M What I really liked about your material is that it gives more reliable spiritual answers to questions that I have had for many years. I sought those answers through paranormal channels but still felt that something was missing so I kept looking. I felt satisfied after reading your work that I had gotten many of those answers that I sought. I believe that soon we will face a spiritual epidemic of people experiencing paranormal phenomena and only the power and authority of Jesus Christ flowing through His holy anointed warriors will be able to bring deliverance to these tormented people. I know what it is like to be harassed by evil spirits and to feel helpless so I want other people to experience that same help and deliverance that I received from God. Your book helped to add to my foundation of knowledge in order to prepare for this soon coming spiritual war.

 Do You Need Help Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Spirit Universe: A Christian View is Published.

The Spirit Universe by Pastor Jerome Jochem will be an invaluable addition to your paranormal or Christian Library. It is truly a unique book because it covers a wide range of topics including the application of scientific method to the paranormal, types of spirits, the human energy field, the nature of heaven and hell, the psychological dangers of occult methods, the effect of such techniques as hypnosis, the role of mental illness in the paranormal, what is a ghost, how do spirits become ghosts, how to establish a deliverance ministry, how to get rid of a tormenting spirit, and a chapter that gives Christian answers to common paranormal questions. This list of topics is by no means complete and only touches on the material covered in the 30 chapters of the book.

 This book is an excellent resource  to have on hand when advising or counseling those in the occult or who have had negative paranormal experiences. While everyone who reads this book will find it both informative and useful, those who are sensitive to paranormal phenomena will find it extremely useful for understanding their gifting and destiny. Pastor Jochem calls such sensitive people "hypersensitives" and discusses the ramifications of their ability from its impact on their sexuality to their self identity.

  While some of these topics are partially addressed in his blog, Pastor Jochem has reorganized and expanded upon the posts, and has added new material to the book including several tests to determine the degree of sensitivity to the spirit universe, new ways of looking at the damage caused by spirits according to their type, new answers to recent questions about the paranormal, and new stories concerning his experiences while a practicing psychic and spirit medium. The expanded and new content will not be published in the blog and is available only in the book. Because the book does a much better job detailing the information needed to understand the Spirit Universe, I have drastically reduced the content of my early posts in this blog.  I give a post summary and a reference to the book in most cases. All my future posts on this blog will be to supplement the information offered in the book,

 In addition to the spiritual aspects of the paranormal, the book also deals with a scientific approach to research in the field. Pastor Jochem considers the methods and limitations of science, ethics of ghost hunting and deliverance ministry, and effects of illusions and human perception.

The book is based on a Biblical analysis of the paranormal, and is independent of the dogma and doctrines of any denomination or church group. Because his conclusions are based on Scripture, this book is an excellent resource for any Christian wanting to learn more about his faith as it relates to the spirit universe.

The book is also focused on drawing its readers who are involved with the paranormal and occult to the Lord Jesus. It would make a great present for someone struggling to find spiritual meaning in life.

This is an e-book formatted for Kindle. It can be read by anyone with a computer, IPhone, IPod, or other electronic device that can run the Kindle reader. To order the book for the Kindle reader just follow these links to the book . These links are listed  by country:.
If you want the book in either Word or PDF format, please click HERE and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Monday, June 11, 2012

God Consciousness Part 2

Post Summary
There can be no unity, no delight of love, no harmony, no good in being, where there is but one. Two at least are needed for oneness. George Macdonald (1824-1905)
In my book, I discuss the Bibilical foundation for God consciousness in detail. This is important because without a foundation in Scripture, the very concept is devoid of meaning or impact on our spirits. Get the book to learn about the wonderful promises inherent in "Christ in us."

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 28, 2012

God Consciousness Part 1 – The 4 Stages

Is it possible to become so familiar with God that you are mindful of His Presence daily? This continuous and intimate realization of your relationship with God has been called God consciousness. Often promised by world religions (usually after years of concentrated meditation) does this form of awareness actually exist? In my book I discuss God consciousness from four unique perspectives. In the book you can learn about the four stages of God consciousness.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Drawn to Demons

Post Summary:    

 I have called people who are sensitive to the universe of spirits by the title of "hypersensitives". Of course, there is a range within the world of hypersensitivity not only to the degree to which a person is hypersensitive but also to the direction of his hypersensitivity. Some seem to be drawn towards God and His ways, others seem to be drawn towards the devil and his ways.  It is the latter group that I discuss in my book. Find out about people who are drawn to the demonic and the price they pay for their experiences with demons. Get my book to explore this rather dark subject.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter 2012–The Resurrected Christ–Ghost or Man?

 Post Summary:
For a man to experience eternal life he must be born again, but for God to give eternal life to man, He had to experience human death. For man to be free of sin, God had to become sin. For man to be free of the penalty of sin, God had to pay the penalty in full. For man to be free of death and take his place in the universe, Christ had to be resurrected from the dead. Easter is one of the most supernatural times in the history of the Christian faith. What were the paranormal events of Easter. Find out in my book:

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Suggested Eithical Standards for Paranormal Groups

Post Summary:
There are some important ethical issues that confront ghost hunting groups, paranormal research teams, and deliverance ministries. In my book, I have listed ethical standards for such groups in several important areas in which ethics should guide behavior. To see what these ethical standards are, just get the book.

Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Ethics of Ghost Hunting and Deliverance Ministry

Post Summary:
Twenty years ago, anyone who went hunting ghosts was considered to be weird and a bit off. Ten years ago, any one who believed in ghosts or that paranormal phenomenon was real, was thought to be on the fringes of sane society and definitely to be avoided socially. Furthermore, it was commonly thought that anyone who got involved with spirits was definitely in league with the Devil, and probably was a Satanic witch or sorcerer. Today all of that has changed dramatically. A brief review of internet ghost hunting registries will reveal thousands of ghost hunting groups and that is probably the tip of the iceberg.  From the fringes of society ghost hunting has almost become a national hobby. What does that mean to these groups? What are some of the reasons there has been such a dramatic expansion in paranormal groups? Check out my book for five basic reasons.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Nature of Ghosts–Just follow the Evidence

Post Summary:
I have attempted to give a Bible based and Christian explanation for paranormal phenomenon, specifically the essential nature of spirits and ghosts.  Many people are seeking information about ghosts and spirits by technologically documenting  the paranormal , or by direct contact with spirits through mediums and psychics. Yet there is an obvious factor which is being neglected as people generate theories about ghosts and spirits. What is this most important factor? What does it tell us about ghosts? Find out in my book.

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Impact of Spirit Sensitivity on the Church

Post Summary:

The basic idea is that sensitivity to the spirit universe is distributed on a normal bell shaped curve. The hypersensitive represents one end of the curve and consists of people who are extremely sensitive to the spirit world. The other end of the curve consists of people who have very little if any sensitivity to the spirit world.  So the hypersensitive has frequent and often intense paranormal experiences while the hyposensitive may not be able to sense the condition of his own spirit and certainly not that of a spirit outside of himself.  Between these two extremes are the folk with a range of sensitivity which we may call average sensitivity. That is, they may have an occasional spiritual experience but such events are rare though often personally significant. How does this range of sensitivity to the spirit universe impact the Christian Church? Find out in my book.
A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.


Monday, January 2, 2012

The Problem of Pareidolia (Matrixing)

Post Summary:
Pareidolia (parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a very common and very significant problem in paranormal research and especially when using photographic evidence to support the idea that a spirit was captured by the camera. Unfortunately, pareidolia is not limited to visual phenomenon but also has a significant impact in auditory evidence and may play just as an important role in the misidentification of sounds in EVP recordings which supposedly represents vocal contact with a  “ghost”.  Given that it has such a big impact on evidence and that it is so common, pareidolia should be understood and compensated for in any serious study of the paranormal.  I discuss pareidolia and its impact in the paranormal in my book. Check it out!

A detailed and expanded version of this post can be found in Pastor Jochem’s book “The Spirit Universe: A Christian View” that is available in the Amazon Bookstore. His book is an invaluable resource to have on hand if you are interested in general information needed for investigating the paranormal, deliverance ministry, or counseling those hypersensitive to the spirit universe or those who are dealing with the occult and negative spirits. The book contains reorganized content from the blog, expanded information, and new content which will not be published in this blog. The book can be read on the Kindle or any device which can run the Kindle application including any Android phone, IPhone, IPad, and the home computer. It is also available in Word and PDF format. For more information and to order the book, click Here

Got a problem with the paranormal or have a question you would like one of our authors to discuss? Fill out a Confidential Help Request Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you would like to discuss this topic go to the Discussion Forum by clicking on the "Discussion Forum" link on the right side of this blog. If you have not made a commitment to Jesus and you would like to do so now, then click HERE to go to a page that will show you how to become a follower of Jesus Christ.