One of the most common questions that I get from the people who read this blog is whether hypersensitivity
The Distribution
In my book, The Spirit Universe: A Christian View, I make the assumption that sensitivity to the spirit universe is distributed in the human population in much the same way as intelligence.
Sensitivity to the spirit universe is on a normal distribution often charted as the figure above, that is, a bell-shaped curve. The right side of the curve represents those who are sensitive to the spirit universe. The part of the curve outlined in red represents those individuals who are extreme hypersensitives. In my book, I offer a general test for hypersensitivity and anyone scoring 100 to 150 in the survey test would be considered an extreme hypersensitive.
Extreme hypersensitives are the people that most often ask whether their sensitivity is a curse. They do so because their overall experiences are so intense and frequent that they actually interfere in the conduct of life.
There are a number of very dangerous reasons for this as I will outline below:
Negative Energy
The majority of the spirit universe is filled with profoundly negative and harrowing images and energies. The extreme hypersensitive experiences these shadowy elements with a great intensity and inadvertently applies them to his life and mental stability. For example, while a less sensitive person may become aware that there is a depressed spirit in the room, the extreme hypersensitive will personally experience the suffering and emotional pain of the spirit and become depressed for days because of it.
It is this uncontrolled and persistently caustic bombardment of painful, deprived, sadistic, and just evil impressions that will do irreparable damage when incorporated into the hypersensitive's mind and personality. Over time, if an extreme hypersensitive is repeatedly hit with negative spiritual energy, his mind and personality will begin to be shaped into the very image of the spiritual energy that has recurrently wounded him.
Broken Boundaries
Our perception of the physical universe maintains some semblance of order because of the boundaries we place on our senses. Sound is restricted to hearing, and visual imagery is subject to sight. The extreme hypersensitive finds that these normal barriers and boundaries do not hold for the stimuli found within the spirit universe. His everyday life is intermingled with the exceptional perceptions of the spirit universe, and his emotional and mental states are equally polluted by the uncontrolled and confusing events from the spirit universe. In short, the extreme hypersensitive can lose his self-identity and sense of reality because he cannot successfully incorporate the often traumatic events within the spirit universe into his world view.
Demonic Invasion
As if broken boundaries and an unending cascade of negative spiritual energy is not enough, the extreme hypersensitive is like a duck swimming on a pond during duck season with a sign around his neck that says, ” Shoot me first." The extreme hypersensitive attracts invading demons like dogs attract fleas.
The general state of an extreme hypersensitive, having already been filled with negative energy that weakens ego boundaries, is fertile ground for a demonic spirit to attempt to take possession of the hypersensitive. All such efforts are accompanied by abnormal thinking, emotions and behaviors that may be diagnosed as a psychotic break or, at a minimum, the development of a neurosis accompanied by delusions. Suicidal thinking may occur when it seems that all of hell has made its home in the mind of an extreme hypersensitive.
Even extreme hypersensitivity can become a blessing under three basic conditions:
- The extreme hypersensitive must become strong spiritually and the way to do that is by establishing a relationship with someone stronger than the demons who attack him. That person is Jesus Christ and exclusively Jesus Christ.
- Once strengthened by a relationship with Jesus, the extreme hypersensitive will have to become aware of the source of his psychic perceptions. That is, he will have to be able to tell if they are coming from himself or from sources outside of himself. It is one of the functions of the Holy Spirit to gift him with discernment and knowledge.
- Finally, the extreme hypersenitive must learn about the Authority and Power he has through his relationship with Jesus in the spirit universe. By using that Authority and Power, he can prevent the impact of both negative impressions and demons.
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